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Exercise What your body needs

Exercise What your body needs

Everyone wants a healthy body. We want our body functioning as best it can. We want strong muscles. Our bodies need to be able to perform.


Let me just say this, “I do not like to exercise.” I told you last week that this is written for me as much as anyone else. That continues with the topic of exercise. There is a long list of things that I would rather do than exercise.

I challenged us to think about sleep here. I reminded us that what we eat is important. Now it is time to look at the last element that helps our body — Exercise.

I was tempted to just skip this topic but I do think it is important.

There are three things that work together for a healthy body. I recently read that our health is maintained by

  • 20 percent in the gym/exercise
  • 40 percent in the kitchen
  • 40 percent in deep restful sleep

So if we want a healthy body, exercise needs to be part of our routine.

Why Should we Exercise?

This goes in hand with the truth about eating. Our bodies are the temple of God. We need to care for that temple. Exercise helps to care for our body and keep our muscles strong.

We want our bodies to be strong. We need our bodies to be healthy and strong so we can serve God and others.

In addition to helping us physically exercise helps us mentally. Our mood is impacted by exercise.

Exercise helps our immune system. It helps with weight lose. Exercise gives us more energy. Exercise helps us sleep better and we know sleep is important.

Why do we skip exercise?

Exercise requires discipline, self-control, and diligence. It requires the discipline to do it. The self-control to say no to other things and yes to exercise. You really need to do it more than just once a month.

I don’t have time. My suggestion is work it into something you already do. Yes, it does take time but instead of driving, walk. That is my plan for getting my daughter from school I walk/run to the school and then we ride the bus home.

Exercise costs money. I am not saying you need a gym membership or even a treadmill in your house. Get out and walk. For that all you need is a good pair of shoes. Do a workout from Youtube. Charity Shops and thrift stores often have workout DVD’s cheap.

I realise that there are people that have a physical challenge that makes exercise difficult. I would challenge you to do see what you are able to do and do that. See if that little bit will make a difference. Do what you can.

So after writing this, I still don’t like to exercise but I know it is good. For me it is a combination of making the time to exercise and knowing  that it is important. Hopefully my goal of walking to get my daughter from school will give me the exercise I need. Ask me in a month if I am exercising.

Do you exercise regularly?

What is your excuse?

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