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One thing that will overcome excuses

One thing that will overcome excuses

Excuses, Excuses

“I don’t have time. I am tired.” It does not take long to come up with excuses. Excuses are a way of putting off things or blaming others for not doing what we should do.

Why do I make excuses? It could be to avoid doing something or maybe not taking responsibility for what you need to do. Why do you make excuses?

This week I was reading and meditating in Exodus. In Exodus 3 God has just appeared to Moses. The first thing that God does is tell him that he has seen the affliction of his people and then gives the promise that he will deliver them and take them to a good land. God also promises that he will be with them. Then in Exodus 4 Moses responds to what God has asked him to do.

God has appeared to Moses, told him what he is going to do and given him a promise. You would think that Moses would be thrilled and ready to obey and go back and lead the people to this new land.


God gives Moses a command. Instead of obeying Moses begins questioning and doubting.

His first excuse it putting it on others. “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice,  . . .” (Exodus 4:1)

Think about the things you know you should be doing. Is the response obedience or to decide how others will respond and because of that make an excuse?

The second excuse is about himself. Basically Moses says, “I can’t speak.” He forgot who it was that was asking him to do this.

Are the excuses that you have about your abilities and skills? When we do that we are doubting God.

God listened to his excuses but had a response for each excuse. Excuses don’t work with God.

Learn from Moses’ Excuses

Make sure that the tasks are what God has called you to do. Moses tried to do it his own way when he stuck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. (Exodus 2:11-12) So learn the lesson to do it God’s way in God’s timing.

Don’t make excuses. Trust that God has called you to do that and he will work in those around you. God will give you the abilities you need to obey him. Don’t doubt. Remember God’s promises.

Excuses, excuses

Don’t stop there. Keep reading. I love how the chapter ends. Aaron who will be the spokesman meets Moses and together they go back to Egypt. Aaron speaks and tells all that God has said to Moses.

This is the response that we need when we hear what God is saying.

“And the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had visited the people of Israel and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshiped. Exodus 4:31 (ESV)

The people believed, bowed their heads and worshiped. That is the kind of response that I want when I hear what God is asking me to do. They did not make excuses but worshiped. That is the response that we need. Worship is what will overcome our excuses. 

Are you making excuses? Listen to God and worship him. Watch him work in your life.

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