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7 Heart Issues that Hinder Achieving your Goals

7 Heart Issues that Hinder Achieving your Goals

What is hindering you from achieving your goals? Have you taken time to ponder this? Some thoughts about this can be found here.

These are the deep issues in your heart that are hindering you from reaching your goals. I am assuming that you have prayed about your goals and you are confident that these goals are in line with God’s plan for your life at this time. Knowing that this is what God has for you, what is hindering you?

7 Heart Issues that Hinder Achieving your Goals

Pride – Pride says, “I can do it myself. I do not need anyone’s suggestions on how to do this. I do not need to be accountable.” Pride can cause us to not consider what help others might be able to offer. Pride says,” I am sufficient for this on my own.”

Jealousy – Jealousy compares yourself other someone else and then that becomes an excuse for not achieving your goal. “If my children, did (fill in the blank) I would be able to do my goal.” It might begin with the phrase, “It is not fair” and then the excuse as to why we can’t achieve our goal. It might also be, “I don’t want to be left out, so I am going to do it even though it sidetracks me from my goal.

Laziness – just plain laizness, not working towards your goal It could also be not focusing and working on what needs to be done to achieve your goals. It might include not planning for what needs to be done. Like planning meals that work with your diet or taking the time to cook the food that you need.

Discontentment – In a way discontentment might be what is driving you to write that goal but it can also hinder your goal. When you are discontent and use things to satisfy or discontentment can be driving you to keep trying things but never get to the issue or never accomplish the goal.

Selfishness – Selfishness hinders your goal when you begin to think about what you want and not working toward your goal. It might be, “I don’t want to miss out on that event so I am going to do it and skip working on my goal.

Self-indulgence – It might be indulging in the chocolate cake when you should be watching your diet but it might also be indulging things instead of declutter. Self-indulgence is doing what you want because you want to do it.

Fear – It could be the fear of failure or maybe even the fear of succeeding. Fear can hold you back.

I am going to challenge you to look at goal and then look at the heart issues that are hindering you. Not all of these will be hindering you but I am guessing you will find one or two.

I did this with my  goal of losing weight. It is not pretty. I will be honest with you.  As I look at the list above, I see a bit of jealousy. I don’t like the fact that others can eat cake so even thought I know it doesn’t help in losing weight, I will eat it. I am just being honest with you. Selfishness is a bit like the jealousy but it might be I don’t want to share so I am eating this. Laziness comes out in just not taking the time to fix meals.

It might be a bit discouraging at this time to dig deep and see the mess and wonder what can come but have hope that from this God will begin to work and grow you as you begin to seek those things that he wants for your life.

This post introduces the concept of looking at heart issues as hinderances. Over the next few days, I will share the qualities we need in our live to achieve our goals.

Do you have any other heart issues to include in this list?

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