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3 Reasons we are Commanded to Love

3 Reasons we are Commanded to Love

Once upon a time, I said that I loved Airwaves that had come on the market recently. Next thing I knew I had a case of it. Yes, it was the case of be careful of what you say you love. I don’t know how long it took for me to chew my way through that case. Honestly, 17 years later I really don’t want to chew Airwaves.

Love we use the word to express our feelings towards gum or chocolate or a number of other things. We use the word to describe our feelings toward those around us. What does love really mean?

This year we are going to look through the Fruit of the Spirit and spend some time understanding and beginning to grow in each of these character qualities.

Fruit of the Spirit Love

What does Love mean?

Sometimes the English language limits us. The Greek had three words for love. Eros meaning the romantic, passionate love. Phileo is the love between friends. Agape means parental, self-sacrificing love that seeks the welfare of the other.

The basis for our love is God. I John 4:8 states, “God is love.” Before we can think about how we love God and others we need to think about how God loves us. What words would you use to describe God’s love?

  • Sacrificial
  • Eternal
  • Unconditional
  • Generous
  • Giving
  • Forgiving
  • Active
  • Life-giving
  • and so much more

As I pondered the character quality of love, I spent time reading I John, I Corinthians 13, and John 15:1-17. In John 15:12 Jesus commands us to “love one another”. That is not the first time that has been commanded. Remember the lawyer that came to Jesus in Matthew 22:34-40. He asks which is the greatest commandment. Jesus’ response is, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your should and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39 ESV)

Why are we commanded to love?

God views our love as important and something that we need to do. He has commanded us to love.

1. Love does not come naturally. Naturally, we are selfish, look out for ourselves, do it our way, defend ourselves, we don’t love. We do not naturally love. We need to be commanded to love.

2. Love is something we can do. Just because it does not come naturally does not mean that it is not something that we can do. Love doesn’t just happen. Love is an action. Love is something that we can learn. Love is a sacrifice, thinking of others, and so much more. Love involves the mind and intellect it is not just an emotion. We can love.

3. Love is the basis for all other character qualities. Jesus said that this is the great and first commandment. I Corinthians 13:13 says that “the great of these is love.” Love is listed first in the Fruit of the Spirit. Love is the foundation for our character qualities. If we are loving, we will be kind. If we are loving, we will be honest.

These are just some of the reasons why God has commanded us to love him and to love others. Our love for God should be in response to his love to us. Love to others should flow from God’s love to us. Our obedience to God’s commands shows that we love him.

Are you obeying the command to love God and love your neighbour? How do those around you know that you are loving God and your neighbour?

3 Reasons we are commanded to love


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