7 Books That will Encourage you to Pray More
I am a reader. That shouldn’t surprise you if you have read my blog. There are numerous books reviews on the blog (that is one way I help fund my reading.) I shared what I was reading this summer. I have encouraged you to read missionary biographies. Here are 7 books that I want to share with you that will encourage you to pray more. These are books that are on my shelves. I have found these books encouraging.
If you are looking to grow your prayer life, these are good books for you. Maybe you want to learn more about what prayer is, these are books for that. Read books about prayer. These books should move you to pray more.
Books that Encourage you to Pray More
What Happens When Women Pray by Evelyn Christenson – This book has traveled the world with me! I actually think that I purchased it in Singapore. I read it and was so encouraged and challenged that I have packed it up through various moves. The author shares some of her experience praying in small groups. This book is a bit dated in the sense that it talks about calling prayer chains asking for prayer. As you read, just change it to the technology we use today to get the word out asking others to pray.
Also on my shelves are two other books by the same author – A Time to Pray God’s Way and A Journey into Prayer Devotional Selections.
A Woman’s Call to Prayer by Elizabeth George – The book begins with Reasons Women don’t pray. That is something to think about even for your own life. What are the reasons that you don’t pray? The author continues to give different feelings that the response should be prayer. This book has some practical ideas as well.
Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney – This is a small book, just under 100 pages. Don’t let the size fool you. The book is packed with truth that can be applied to your prayer life. This book is going to show you how to move away from saying the same things and teach you how to pray God’s words back to God. Those are the kind of prayers that are praying in God’s will.
You Can Pray by Tim Chester – I read this book and one of the things that it helped me do was structure my own prayer journal. The author writes about why prayer is easy and then writes about why prayer is hard. Pause and think about those two things and you will find some of the challenges in prayer. Yet, he shows us how to pray.
Prayer by Timothy Keller – This book shows how to make prayer genuinely meaningful. Isn’t that what we are all longing for a meaningful prayer life. I have to say that I find Keller’s books both encouraging and challenging.
Fervent by Priscilla Shirer – A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer. This book is a bit about the battle we can fight through prayer. It is a bit of a specific type of prayer.
My Prayer Journal by me – Sorry you won’t find this book on Amazon. You will need to write your own. This is a place where I write about prayer, record my confessions, my intercessions, and other truths. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing bits of each section that I have in My Prayer Journal. I want to encourage you to write your own. How would you write a book about prayer?
Do you read books about prayer? You should. These books will encourage you, challenge you, and teach you more about prayer and God. You read books about exercise or health. Read books about prayer.
Do you read books about prayer? Do you have any books that were not included in this list to recommend?