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Category: A Fruitful Year

Know the Disciplines for Successful Growth – Gratefulness

Know the Disciplines for Successful Growth – Gratefulness

How does a grateful heart lead to success? Is a grateful heart really a discipline for success? It really is a discipline for success. This is the discipline that will overcome jealousy which will hinder you achieving your goals. It is easy to do a search and see numerous studies that support the fact that being grateful will lead to success. This is one of the studies that I read. Looks at all the things there that come from a…

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Know the Disciplines for Successful Growth – Self-Denial

Know the Disciplines for Successful Growth – Self-Denial

  Deny me, are you serious? Is that really something that I want to do? Denying yourself is saying no to yourself. Why should I do that? That is the opposite of what the world tells us to do. Yet, this is what we need to learn self-denial. As we look to grow and achieve all that God is calling us to do, we need to overcome the heart issues that hinder us reaching our goals.  To overcome the hindrance…

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Tasting God’s Goodness

Tasting God’s Goodness

I like good food, fresh baked bread with butter that is melting or rich chocolate cake with creamy frosting. The bite of pudding that causes you to lick the fork and have another bite. Good tasting food is a delight. The food that after eating you think about and remember how it tasted that is good food. Then there are the  times when I create dinner from whatever we find in the refrigerator and it tastes like it was all…

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Know the Disciplines for Successful Growth – Diligence

Know the Disciplines for Successful Growth – Diligence

We live in a world of distractions and getting the job almost done is acceptable but it that really how we are called to live? To overcome this we need the discipline of diligence. So what is diligence and how do we develop this in our lives? This post introduced the hindrances and we want to look at each one and learn the discipline that will give growth. The goal is to put aside the hindrances and embrace the disciplines….

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Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness

Fruit of the Spirit – Goodness

What does goodness mean? It is listed in the Fruit of the Spirit. All the major translations, KJV, ESV, NIV and NASB, use the word goodness so that doesn’t give us any clue as to what good means. As we continue our study through the Fruit of the Spirit, we are now at goodness.   Think of all the ways that we use the word, good. It is a greeting, “good morning.” It is used to describe an event, “good…

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