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Category: Goals

How to Renew Your Focus Mid-Year

How to Renew Your Focus Mid-Year

  We are almost halfway through the year. Do you remember the goals you set in January? Are you still going strong working on them? Way to go! Maybe you are working on some but not all of them? That is great that you are still working on some. Maybe you are in the group that is not working on the goals — it could be that you are busy with other things, I was thinking about titling this “Six…

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7 Heart Issues that Hinder Achieving your Goals

7 Heart Issues that Hinder Achieving your Goals

What is hindering you from achieving your goals? Have you taken time to ponder this? Some thoughts about this can be found here. These are the deep issues in your heart that are hindering you from reaching your goals. I am assuming that you have prayed about your goals and you are confident that these goals are in line with God’s plan for your life at this time. Knowing that this is what God has for you, what is hindering…

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Overcome Hindrances in Reaching Your Goals

Overcome Hindrances in Reaching Your Goals

What is hindering you from reaching your goals? What obstacles do you face? What is stopping you from achieving your goals? Why do you have the same goals year after year and never accomplish them? You can learn how to overcome hindrances in reaching your goals. Have you ever sat and really thought about what is causing this to happen? Some things that might come to your mind are things like — not enough time, not focused, or fear. Those…

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That’s it, I quit

That’s it, I quit

Just three weeks into the new year and those were the words I said to myself. “That’s it, I quit.” Three weeks of working on one of my goals for the year and I was ready to quit. It was not going the way I planned. I didn’t see the results I wanted. It was not easy. It was restricting my life I was ready to quit. I know only three weeks into the year and I was ready to quit….

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2018 – Goals and Word for the Year

2018 – Goals and Word for the Year

I had a number of thoughts of things I wanted to do this year. I had things I want to finish, things to try. I wrote them down and it looked like a big “to do” list. Then I started to group them together. I thought I had a goal but not quite. As I worked through this, I decided on my word for the year. GROW Somehow the Word of the Year came easier than the goals but then…

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