March Wrap-up and Review
It is the end of March. Could someone please tell the weather that March is over and we want spring weather. There is snow in the forecast for the next few days. Even with snow I see signs of spring — lambs in the field, daffodils blooming, and trees beginning to bud. I love the bits of home that spring is coming.
What have I done this month? How am I doing reaching my goals?
I finished reading through the Bible in 90 days. If you have never done that, I challenge you to do it. It only took me about 30 minutes a day. Reading it at a fast pace you see things repeated that you miss at a slower pace. You read large portions at a time and get a big picture instead of just small bits. I actually read all of Revelation in one sitting. Now I am working on a slower pace using a journal to record thoughts for just a chapter. The journal I am using is this.
We finished our study in I Thessalonians in our small groups. I wanted to dig a bit deeper into that study both as I prepared our discussion time and just for my own study. Paul wrote that to encourage a young church who was facing opposition. So many of those truths apply to us today.
In follow up on my thoughts about quitting. I am beginning to study Nehemiah. The little bit that I have begun has already gotten me excited about this study. I am looking forward to sharing more with you.
I read six books this month. A few were from my shelves — reading and deciding if I want to keep them. This book was one that I really enjoyed this month. It is one that I will keep. It had some deep truths which made me pause and think but I could easily read it. I will write a bit more about the book. The picture that he gives of peace has really given me something to think about.
We had fun hosting some friends from the States for a week. We showed them some of the area where we live. York is a favourite place to visit. It has been 2.5 years since we have been there. We walked the city walls, walked the streets, saw the Minster, and went to a museum that was new to us but we all enjoyed.
The other think we did with our guests was go to a football match. That was the first time we have done that. I am glad that I took the suggestion to dress warm. England won in the last few minutes of the game.
I still have a list of unfinished projects but managed to complete one this month. I finished a table runner that just needed the binding sewn on. That is finished. Only nine more projects on the list.
I am struggling with the physical goal. Just being honest here and letting you know my struggle. It is something that I need to ponder and put a plan in place.
My new favourite recipe this month has been Chicken Tikka Masala. I love the spice and a bit of yogurt.
I am ready for April. We are looking forward to some family time and then another visitor.
How was your March? Did you make progress?