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Two Women went into a cafe – A Modern Parable

Two Women went into a cafe – A Modern Parable

Two women went into a cafe - modern parable

Two women went into the coffee shop to have an hour of quiet in the midst of a busy day.

Dorothy slipped into the chair in the coffee shop thankful that the corner table was available. She put her earbuds in and hit play for her worship playlist. As she sipped her latte, she opened her Bible and wrote today’s date in her journal. She had just an hour before she had to get the children from school. She enjoyed having an hour to sit quietly reflecting and journaling.

“Dear Lord, Thank you for all that your Son has done for me. I look within and see so many sins yet your mercy is more than my sin.

 Forgive me for losing my patience this morning when Will could not find his shoes. It was sin for me to yell. You are so patient with me. Help me to be patient with my children.

I confess that I stood at school envying Kate’s new car wishing so much that our car was new or at least newer. Forgive me for not being thankful for the many good things you have given me. Lord, help me to be thankful.”

Dorothy paused and just sat listened to the music from her playlist. She began reading her Psalm for today, Psalm 51 “Have mercy on me, O God,” She didn’t get much further and she paused to just reflect on God’s mercy and her need for his mercy.

The alarm on her phone goes off reminding her that she had 10 minutes to get to school and get the children. Had the hour really gone that quickly? She finished the last sips of coffee, gathered things, and quietly left the café refreshed and ready to get the children. When she saw Will she knew She needed to apologize. She left knowing that she was loved and forgiven.

Sylvia placed her big bag on the chair opposite her while balancing her cappuccino and pastry on her tray. She sat down pleased that the table in the middle of the shop was available. She pulled out her big study Bible which weighed about four pounds. Digging into her bag, she then found her Bible study notes and carefully made sure that the leftover program from Sunday was on the table for all to see. Digging into her bag she found her Bible coloring book and pencils. Everything was spread around the table.

Sylvia quickly grabbed her phone and took a photo. Quickly she posted it on Instagram with the tag, “Enjoying a bit of time at the coffee shop in the middle of the day.” Now everyone could see what she was doing. They would be impressed that she was able to find time in her day to do this.

Since her phone was still out she began to play her playlist and didn’t bother with the headphones. She decided everyone around could enjoy her music.

She saw Dorothy in the corner bent over her Bible. Sylvia began to write in her journal.

“Lord, I am thankful that my children are not forgetful like Dorothy’s. Adam never loses things. I have been able to raise children who are so well behaved.

Thank you for the new car that we were able to purchase. It is so nice to have such luxury for driving around town and I don’t have to drive one like Dorothy that is rusted.  

Thank you that I am able to attend church morning and evening each week. Everyone is able to see that I am there. I always make sure I put a bit in the collection bag. To add a bit more focus I don’t bother to pull it out of my wallet until the bag comes to me. I know everyone is looking and watching as I get a bit of money. I am such a good Christian doing all the right things.”

As the hour ended, Sylvia put her things away while talking to herself but just loud enough for those around to hear her. “Bible, journal, study notes, coloring book, pencils. I got everything. It’s time to go. What a great time to just be able to sit. God is fortunate to have me as his child.”

With her head high, Sylvia exited the coffee shop. Pleased that everyone had seen her including the pastor who had walked past the window. It was a great hour to impress people with how great she was.

I tell you, this woman went out of the coffee shop justified.

This is a retelling of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, a parable Jesus told in Luke 18:9-14.

Which woman are you like?

Dorothy who looks deep in her own life or Sylvia who is just concerned about the appearance. Sylvia might be called the shallow Christian. You can read about How to be a Shallow Christian here.

How do you go deep in your own life?

Compare yourself to God’s standard. The Pharisee compared himself to others around him and not to God’s standard. We are always able to find people that we think are worse than ourselves but that is not really examining and looking at our own heart.  That is justifying, “I am not as bad as . . .” The Bible does not say, compare your hearts to others and see how you are doing but tells us to examine and search within. The words examine and search have a meaning of taking time, looking hard and deep. God sees the heart so we need to learn to look within our own heart. The tax collector does that by comparing himself to God’s standard. He looks within and sees his sin. He makes no excuses, does not compare it to others but just calls himself what he is, a sinner.

See what God sees. The Pharisee continues by listing all his accomplishments, the things that he has done for God – fasting and giving tithes. These are the outward things that he does. The only thing that the tax collector sees is his sin and God’s mercy. He realizes that even his righteousness is as filthy rags in God’s eyes. (Isaiah 64:6) How easy it is for us to do things, even doing things for God and want to list our accomplishments as good things. God wants our hearts. He wants the things deep within. When we come with all our accomplishments, we can easily have little need for God.  We need to come like the tax collector realizing the condition of our heart and thus our need for God.

Show humility. The Pharisee is full of pride as he prayers. His prayer is full of “I’s”. The prayer is about himself, the things he has done. Even the posture of the tax collector displays his humble heart. The tax collector is bent down not even looking toward heaven.  He is focusing on his own heart and not those around him. He looks within and sees his heart as God sees it.

We can learn a lesson on how to look within our own heart from these two individuals. Learn to humble yourself, look inward and compare yourself to God’s standard. As you realize the condition of your heart, realize that God has grace and mercy as we humbly approach God. God wants our hearts.

Learning to look deep in our hearts will help us to grow. Are you searching deep in your heart?

One thought on “Two Women went into a cafe – A Modern Parable

  1. I so needed this message today. I am more like the woman who compares herself to others to see how she measures up. It’s so important to remind myself that only God’s standards matter and to look deeply into my heart to see areas where I need to change or grow.

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