What I did in January to Connect & Grow.
I love January. The beginning of a new year with a fresh clean calendar and new plans and goals for the year. I am excited and eager to achieve my goals. I want that to last all year. January began for us in the US visiting family. We arrived home with time to get a grocery order and have a day to unpack and then it was back to school for Miss K and back to routine for the rest of us. Here is how in January I moved to connect and grow. It was steps of progress.
Connect & Grow with God in January
I finished my study of Mark. Mark is answering the question, “Who is Jesus?” In September and October or so I had done Luke so following Mark so close I found many of the same miracles and teachings of Jesus. As I look through my notes, it begins with John baptizing Jesus. John knows he is preparing the way, he understands that Jesus is mightier and he humbles himself. John also points to the coming of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus did a miracle, the person was healed and regained all strength or ability immediately. I saw how the disciples were slow in learning and before I get cocky about how they responded I need to look at how easily I forget and don’t learn. I am going to share a bit more about my study of Mark in another post.
Giving – I touched on this a little bit in my Six Spiritual Goals post. Giving needs to come from the heart. Looking at my own heart I see how selfish I am and how I want to keep things for myself. My challenge to myself was to take my spending money and buy a £5 gift card each month. That is taking 1/4 of what I budget and giving it. I did discover that it is difficult to find £5 gift cards so I might adjust that to a £15 every quarter. I will just buy it and then pray about who I should give it to. I purchased a gift card to Boots this month. It is in my purse waiting for the Lord to lead me to who needs that gift.
Connect & Grow with Others in January
This is the area where I felt a bit challenged. I realized that I need to be more intentional about getting things on the schedule. If I wait, it won’t happen. Hospitality didn’t really happen. I invited someone here but then we decided it would be easier if we went there. I did manage a quick coffee with my husband. So I have already begun to put coffee dates on the calendar for February.
One of the things that I began in January was craft afternoon. Either Thursday or Friday I schedule a craft afternoon. I put it on Facebook for my friends and whoever wants to come, comes. It has helped me to work on some projects. I discovered that I have a bit of accountability as people want to know what I have done. I began a log cabin quilt. I have shared a weekly update on Instagram. I have never done a log cabin quilt before. I am slowly making progress. Steps of progress.
Connect & Grow Through Hobbies in January
I already mentioned how craft afternoon overlaps between my hobbies and connecting with others. I do basic scrapbooking mainly to keep our special memories. I schedule four times a year when I print photos and put them in scrapbooks. I did that in January and so I am caught up until April.
Reading is my way of relaxing. I will admit that at times I have to put the book away and do other things. The classic that I read in January was The Wind in the Willows. I am probably read it years ago but couldn’t remember it so I read it again. I will share a book review every now and then here on the blog. What books do you enjoy reading?
Connect & Grow Me in January
I did manage to lose a few pounds. I am working to limit sugar and carbs. I feel good but have a bit more to go. It is doable but you know I need to stick with it. I need consistency.
I didn’t bother with exercise in January. I decided that I was not going to focus on that. I have begun to do that in February but I will save that until February.
I am sorting through school things. The beginning of the year combined with traveling put me in the mood to declutter and get rid of things. The goal for the year is to end with fewer things. That means I need to get rid of more than I acquire.
January was a good start to 2019. I made progress and took steps toward my goals.
How was January for you? Did you make progress?