When Life is not Good
What do you do when life is not good? How do you respond? We live in a fallen world with the effects of sin all around. Life is not good all the time but God is good all the time.
I don’t know what “not so good” you are facing at this time. It might be divorce, cancer, disease, or something else. It might be tempting to despair but have hope.
How not to respond when life is not good.
Just walk away from God. When you do that you are treating God like a genie in a bottle. You didn’t get what you wanted so just walk away. God wants a relationship with us. Friends stay with friends even when it is not good. Walking away from God is not going to make things easier.
Grow bitter. Bitterness will destroy and even more. Don’t allow that anger at God to grow into bitterness. Growing bitter will be worse.
How to respond when life if not good
Draw near to God. Spend time reading the Bible. If you are struggling with where to read, read Psalms. So many of the Psalms were written when David was struggling. You will hear David crying out to God and often ending that remembering who God is.
Remember God’s promises. We have a promise keeping God. Read through the Bible looking at the promises that God makes and how he keeps those promises. One of my favourite books to read for this is Exodus. For 400 years the people were slaves. They were wondering does God keep his promises. He will keep his promises. Cling to his promises.
Talk to others. Share with others what you are going through. Be sure that it is someone who will point you to Jesus in all this. Depending on the situation it is fine to be guard in who you talk with.
Personally, I have known those times when life if not so good. My reason for sharing this is so you know that I write from our own experiences. I spent years waiting to get married. We had a child that needed two operations soon after birth and then infertility. We had visas denied giving uncertainty of where to live and minister. The joy of adoption faded into disappointment as we faced a failed adoption.
Looking back on some of those not so good times, I see God’s provision. Looking back I see God’s timing is perfect. Some of those I really don’t know the good that came from it. You know what, that is fine. I know that in all that God is good. I know that in all that God was with me.
Maybe you are at a point in life where things are good. Rejoice in that. Look around you and be a blessing to those who might now be in that same place. I remember when life at home was hard someone who I didn’t even really know had given us a meal. That was a blessing. Be willing to just listen.
Are you currently facing some not so good situations? How are you responding? How can I encourage or pray for you.