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I no longer Choose Joy

I no longer Choose Joy

I No longer choose joy

It is on signs and shirts. For some it is a mantra. It might be a challenge to help through the day. I no longer choose joy. Why do I no longer “Choose Joy”?

Yes, I know we are commanded to rejoice in all things. (Philippians 4:4-7). It is good to have joy. After all this blog is titled, As He Leads is Joy. I know that there is joy in following Jesus. I am learning to rejoice in all things. But I no longer “choose joy.”

Why do I no longer choose joy?

Choosing joy sounds like it is from within me that I am working to find joy. Choosing joy sounds like I am working to find joy in a struggle or situation that might not have joy. Yes, we need to work to have joy but it is not about me but about God working in my life, teaching me how to rejoice.

What I do instead of Choosing Joy?

Instead of Choosing Joy I am Choosing Worship.

Worship puts the focus on God. Worship focuses on who God is and his character. I am no longer dwelling on me but looking to God.

Worship takes my eyes away from my situations and struggles. It is easy to look at our situation and the struggles and not see God in the midst of it.

Worship leads to joy. The joy is not in the situation but the God who sees and knows. (Exodus 2:24-25) We worship a God who sees and knows.

A Personal Story of Choosing Worship

So a few months ago I was struggling. Things were difficult. I did not choose joy. In fact I did not have any joy. I was not even looking for joy. The only thing I could do was cry out to God to work in the situation, praying, and reflecting on how God has worked in the past.

In the midst of that situation God took my mind to Exodus, one of my favourite books in the Old Testament. If you need encouragment, read Exodus. I love reflecting on Exodus and how God rescued his people in his time and in his way. He heard their cries and acted. God goes before them. He works in ways they cannot imagine.

Anyway, my prayer turned to worship and worship gave way to joy. I had not planned to have joy. I was worshipping. The situation had not changed. It was still difficult but I had focused on God. I looked away from my struggle and saw God.

Other Examples of Choosing to Worship

Paul and Silas where in prison as recorded in Acts 16. They found themselves in a difficult situation. They were active in worship though praying and signing hymns. This worship was directed to God. They did it not expecting an earthquake and to be released. The response to difficult situations was to worship. Joy came but as a result of worship.

David had this same understanding of praise and worship. In the beginning of Palm 69 David cries to God, “Save me.” (verse 1) He further describes the situation with words like I sink, come into deep water, the flood sweeps over me, and many others words that describe a difficult situation and a struggle. But as we look at the end of the Psalm David is saying, “I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” (verse 30) David’s response is one of praise and worship.

So worship does lead to joy but it comes from focusing on God, what he has done in the past and with confidence of who he is in the midst of our struggles.

How can you worship God in the difficult situations and struggles of life?

Begin by singing hymns and songs that focus on who God is and what he does. Hymns like “Amazing Grace”, “How Great Thou Art,” “It is Well,” and so many others can begin to draw our focus away from our situation and focus on God.

The other aspect of worship is praise and prayer. Praise God for who he is and what he has done.  Recall through both in your own life and through the Bible the many wonderful things that God has done.

As you worship, you will find that you have joy.

How about you today, do you have a difficult situation, can you choose to worship. Choose Worship.

I no longer choose joy

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