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June Review

June Review

I am actually writing my June review in June and not two weeks into the next month like I have done the past few months.

June 2018 Review

June is a great time for the Mid-Year Review. Did you do one? I listed my goals and then wrote down some of the things that I have done under that goal. I spent some time thinking about what could be done yet this year. It help give me some focus which I need to regain.

At the beginning of June I put together a list of various things I wanted to do this month. I wrote the list on the calendar page of my planner. As I planned my weeks, I looked at the list and worked on some of those items. Now at the end of June as I look at the list I got most of those items finished. That is a great feeling. I need to do that for July.

Here is a quick review of some of my goals:

Grow Deeper in my relationship with God – There are things that I find easy but I want to keep pushing myself to go deeper in my relationship. I don’t want to settle but grow.

Grow in health and strength – I am struggling to find time in the week to go out and exercise. I am continuing to watch carbs as for me that is the key. My latest love sautéed spinach with a bit of garlic as a base instead of rice. I got tired of cauliflower rice.

Grow in my relationships with others – This includes family and friends. This requires planning and just doing things. It can be thought through or just a last minute action. This is an area that I need to keep working on.

Grow in efficient and effective use of our home – I worked to get rid of some more home school things. I am also organised some other areas.

I usually have 2 or 3 books that I am reading. It is a combination of fiction and non-fiction.

In June I read Take Heart. It was an easy book to read but had a big challenge of how to live in the age of unbelief. It also had a bit of a surprise ending. I know normally you don’t think of a surprise ending in a fiction book but it did.

I also read this book on sleep. Let me just say that the author believes in evolution so throughout the book you read about how man has evolved to this point, or how in our evolution we have moved to this point in our sleep. I spit out a lot of bones but did get some meat. Lack of sleep has the same effect on driving as drunk driving. Sleep plays a big role in fighting infection. Sleep also plays a role in emotional healing. It has given me something to think about in regards to sleep. I want to spend some time looking at sleep in the Bible so you might see a bit on that topic in the next few weeks.

Three things I did this month:

  1. Made lemon curd – I didn’t realise how easy that is to make. We made some in a small group to sell at the school summer fair.
  2. Darned a sock – I remember my mom doing this when I was young. She would use the egg from the L’eggs pantyhose. (That is a memory that might just date me.) Anyway one of my favourite Solmate socks got a hole and I just couldn’t throw them away so I did what I have not done since a child and darned my sock. It might not be pretty and win any awards but it means I don’t have a hole and can wear the sock.
  3. Ate strawberries from our garden – that really is a big accomplishment that we were able to grow and enjoy the fruit of our labour.

That is just a quick wrap up of June. How was your month? Are you making progress?

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