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Paul – An Example of Steadfastness

Paul – An Example of Steadfastness

Paul - An Example of Steadfastness

Be Steadfast. It sounds good but what does it mean to live that way. How do you be steadfast every day? Paul is an example of steadfastness. As you look at his life, you can see the steadfastness and learn from his example.

Paul wrote numerous letters in the New Testament and the book of Acts tells of some of his missionary journeys. There are so many letters or parts of his life but I have decided to focus mainly on what he writes in Philippians. Paul wrote this to the saints who were in Philippi when he was in prison in Rome. Just the fact that he wrote this book while in prison is an example of steadfastness.

Paul – An Example of Steadfastness

Paul knew his calling, to proclaim Christ. This was the mission that God had for him. It didn’t matter the size of the audience he wanted to proclaim Christ. He did that to large crowds in Athens (Acts 17:16-34) and Ephesus (Acts 19). He did it with just a small group gathered in his prison cell (Philippians 1:12-13). He used every situation as an opportunity to fulfil his calling.

Paul placed his confidence in God. If you place your confidence in yourself, you will find that it is not stable. Paul had the human credentials that could have given him confidence (Philippians 3:4-6) but he understands those were worthless. Our confidence must be in a steadfast foundation which will help us to be steadfast. When the confidence is in God it is not depending on our ability but God’s. We know he has the strength and ability. That will keep us steadfast.

Paul kept going. He didn’t quit when life got difficult. He is writing this book from prison. In 2 Corinthians 11:24-27, Paul lists some of the physical sufferings that he endured. That did not stop him. In Philippians 3:12-16, he shares that he continues to press on. He knows the goal and he keeps going for that goal. I need this reminder as I struggle with pain following surgery. I need to remember to just keep going. One day at a time.

Paul understands he is not alone. At the beginning of the book, he writes, “because of your partnership in the gospel” (1:4). He prays for the saints in Philippi. He rejoices in their prayers for him (1:18-19). As Christians, we are to be living a life in a community of believers. We need the prayers and encouragement of others to help us remain steadfast.

Encouragement for us to be steadfast

We can live a life of steadfastness. Paul gives us an example of steadfastness with practical things that we can do.

What is your calling? Are you steadfast in what God has called you to do? God has gifted and called each of us to a specific task. Your calling might not look like others. Don’t be swayed by others and their calling.

Where is your confidence? Learn to place your confidence in God. He is the strength and stability that you need. He will not fail.

Do you have those around you that encourage you? Last year as I faced my cancer diagnosis I began a WhatsApp prayer group. I recognized that I needed prayer support and encouragement as I faced surgery, recovering, and then chemotherapy. I could not do this alone. You can read more about that here. It does not need to be a large group but at least have at least two or three friends that you can be honest with and will encourage you to remain steadfast.

I am not sure the struggles that you are facing right now but I encourage you to learn to be steadfast.

What encourages you to be steadfast?


This is part of the series, Learn to Be.

Be Steadfast

5 thoughts on “Paul – An Example of Steadfastness

  1. Dear Beth, when I read for any kind of instruction I learn best when it’s in “biteable chunks”. I’ve read much about and from Paul, but the way you encapsulated his steadfastness into chunks make them easy to digest and apply. Blessings on you as you continue your journey in steadfastness and recovery.

  2. Learning steadfastness is a journey and Paul is such a great example. I’m sorry for your struggle with cancer and thank you for sharing what God has shown you.


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