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Know Yourself – How do you Live your Life?

Know Yourself – How do you Live your Life?

I read the list of 30 ways to organize your life. I was excited to think that these 30 ways would give me an organized life. Just think, I would be productive and while I am at it, I will be successful. Thankfully I paused and thought about the list compared to my own life. I realized that list works great for that individual but some of the things on that list would not work for me. 

This is Part Four of Know Yourself which is designed to help you write achievable goals. These need to be done in order. So go to Part One which is Know What God is Calling you to do in the New Year. Part Two is about knowing yourself, and Part Three is knowing the three R’s. 

Each of us as we work through Part Two and Part Three will find that we live different lives. The goals that you set need to be ones that you can achieve. 

Part Four is looking a bit at your physical house, family and community as well as those you live with. For the purpose of writing I am saying family but that could be roommates. 

How do you life your live at home?

Each of our houses is different. Even if we had the same house what we have in the there and how we use the house would be different.  How would you describe your living situation? What are some words that you might use to describe your house? The words you use will give you insight into your opinions of your house. 

All the suggestions to unload the dishwasher before going to bed or first thing in the morning don’t help me. I need the suggestions about how to keep the dishes washed when you don’t have a dishwasher. Any ideas for that?

Our house is where we live. It is where we organize, work or maybe where we lose things and spend hours searching for things. Anyone know where the Life in the UK book is? Our house is where we interact with people. Know your house and it will help you. 

How do you use your house? Maybe you work from home so that dictates that you have a space for your office. It might be that you host a small group on a regular basis. Knowing how you use your home will help you to plan your home so it can be useful to you. 

Make your house work for you. In the past 15 years, we have lived in four houses plus temporarily in a missionary house. Our houses have ranged from a three bedroom 700 square foot house to a five bedroom 2500 square feet. We have learned to live and enjoy each house. We did things differently based on the house. 

How do your days flow?

Is every day the same or does your day vary based on the day of the week? Knowing that will help you to know how much time you will have to work on your goals. 

I know that I need to drop my daughter off at school in the morning and need to pick her up at the end of the day. Knowing that helps me to plan my days. My days do vary a bit as I have a Bible study on Tuesday mornings. Knowing the flow of my days helps me to know when I can work on my goals. 

Routines and schedules can help you manage the daily bits of life. Again, this is an area that you need to know yourself so that you know what helps you. What routines and schedules do you have currently in place? Do you need to add some more to just help your days flow smoother? Here are some suggestions:

  • A cleaning schedule.
  • A laundry schedule
  • A meal plan
  • Errand/Shopping schedule
  • Shopping lists for various stores
  • Morning and Evening Routine
  • Monthly Checklist of things to do monthly
  • List of things things to pack for the gym, church, co-op, or wherever you go regularly
  • Chore charts for the kids

Organise and plan your days so you can achieve your goals. 

How does your family flow?

Understanding the schedules and routines of your family can help you. My husband works from home so that means I need to make sure that there is lunch available. 

  • Are you children in and out with various activities, needing you to taxi them about? 
  • Does your husband travel or work varying shifts?
  • Do you have extending family nearby that assist with things or require some of your time?

Generally, How do you live your life?

Hopefully, you have already completed Part Two which is about knowing yourself. While you might prefer to stay home all day that might not work with your responsibilities. Take some time to just make some notes about how you and your family live life.

  • Do you spend time at home or are you out for the majority of the day? 
  • Do you have shops/stores in the area or do you need to travel for shopping?
  • What commitments do you have outside of the house? Maybe church, community, caring for extended family.

Knowing yourself and being honest about yourself, your time, will all help you to write goals that you will achieve. Goals don’t all need to be big projects. 

Are you ready to begin writing goals? What routine or schedule do you need to create to help you? 

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