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September – Back to Routine

September – Back to Routine

September is back to school and back to routine. September is a month of anniversaries — our wedding anniversary and the anniversary of meeting our son. The days are beginning to get shorter, the air is crisp, and it is time to get out quilts to wrap up in the evenings.

Miss K began a new school. She was excited. It was the school she wanted to go to. We were thankful that God worked out all the details. It was a bit last minute, the last week of school in July we learned she had a place at a local secondary school. The school put a great schedule together for her. Now four weeks in she has had a few wobbles as it is a big school, long days, and lots of new things. Tuesdays she goes to a city farm and works there. We hear about Sid the goat and Broccoli the pig as well as other animals and jobs she has done. God provided a place for her.

What else happened in September?

I finished 2 Corinthians Journal and Doodle Bible study. I did that in preparation for studying 2 Corinthians in small group this autumn. As I reflect a bit on that study, one of the truths that came from the study was understanding the two meanings of comfort. One is parakaleo meaning to call by the side and the other is parokiesis meaning strengthening and establishing faith. Both of these provide what today we term comfort.

My reading stack this month was a bit varied. Honestly, if you want the truth, that is most months. One theme this month was reading some books on disability and the Bible. If I were to recommend one of the books I read, it would be Disability and the Gospel. I found this book easy to read as it was not too academic but it was helpful in thinking through this topic.

I read some Christian fiction. That is light and easy to read while I am waiting for school pick-up.

I have been thinking and pondering a bit how to reach our neighbours after reading The Gospel Comes with a House Key. I was challenged to have margin in my day to be able to meet needs. I want to take steps to getting to know my neighbours more. I am looking for practical ways and also praying for my neighbours.

Have you ever heard of a Commonplace Book? I learned about that for the first time this month. I had been thinking about starting something like that but didn’t know it had a name. I wanted a place to just reflect and record quotes, information, things I learn. I wanted one place to keep it. I used a notebook that I have and just started writing some notes from a book I read, added some notes from a blog. I began my Commonplace Book.

On the Blog in September

I wrote a bit about Special Needs, Seeing Special Needs Around Us and Special Needs Parents.

I have begun work on another A-Z prayer guide. I wrote A-Z praying for missionaries the other year. Now I am thinking about A-Z prayer for teens.

Looking Forward

I will read some more books on my reading stack. I need to find some time to finish some unfinished projects. I want to take the principles from Journal and Doodle and read through Luke. Enjoy autumn which means candles, coffee, and a warm quilt.

What are you looking forward to in October? Tell me what you are working on in the comments.


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