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Sharing My Spiritual Goals for 2019

Sharing My Spiritual Goals for 2019

I have set spiritual goals for the past few years. I have completed some, attempted some and failed some. Just being real and honest with you. I wrote this about the 6 goals that you should be set. I used that has my guide for my goals in 2019.

Why am I sharing my spiritual goals?

One reason is just to encourage you. I find it helpful sometimes to read other people’s goals and see what they are doing. I get ideas when I read those goals. Remember, just because it is someone else’s goal doesn’t mean it has to be your goal. You need to Know Yourself.

The other reason is that I want to be authentic with you. This is who I am. I want you to know me. Also, you can keep me accountable for these goals.

My reasons are all based on the three things you can expect from me on the blog this year.

Spiritual Goals 2019

More Time in the Word – I have put this into three areas — reading/studying, memorizing and meditating. Here are the things I want to do at this time.

  • Read through the Bible
  • Four in-depth studies. I am currently working through Mark. I post a photo each week of my notes on Instagram.
  • Memorize verses about prayer
  • Meditate on a verse or two each week.
  • Verse mapping – I am thinking I will do some verse mapping on the verses I select for meditation.

Let me pause and tell you that for the past few years my goal was to memorize a whole book. After two years or more of not achieving that goal and while it is a good goal, I decided I needed to change the goal. I have a Bible memory book with verses on prayer and I decided that memorizing something is better than nothing and so that is my goal for the year–memorize verses on prayer.

More Time in Prayer – This is a harder one to measure but I think it is one that I will know if I have made progress. Some things that I would like to do include:

  • Revamp my prayer journal – It needs to be reworked a bit and just updated.
  • Read 2-4 books on prayer. This book was recommended at church and so that is on the top of my list.

Worship – This includes both corporate the personal. Part of the goal is to continue attending church regularly. The other part is having times of personal worship. Sometimes when I am alone in the car is a great time for that.

Giving – I can easily get focused on keeping my budget in line which is a good thing but that can also limit my giving. I want to be more generous. This is about my heart, having a generous heart.

  • Be willing to give an item to someone who needs it instead of trying to sell it.
  • Give a gift card to someone each month. Out of my own spending money give a gift.

Acts of Service – I am currently involved in one area but am praying about other areas that I can be involved. I am seeking where God wants me to spend my time. I am also wanting to be sure to have margin in my life for opportunities that might come up.

Fasting – This is an area where I have been challenged. Fasting is denying yourself and seeking God. I want to be practicing this. My goal is just a few times throughout the year.

All of these are good goals but I need to be careful that I do not view these as it is there various tasks or things I do that will automatically mean I am growing or that I am earning God’s favor. God wants my heart. I want a heart that is close to God and not like the Israelites in Isaiah 29:13, “And the Lord said: ‘Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men, ‘”

My desire is with each of these goals that I will know God more and my heart will be near him.

Have you taken time to write spiritual goals for the year?


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