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Why Does my Child Have Special Needs?

Why Does my Child Have Special Needs?

Why Does my Child have Special Needs A Biblical Approach

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I have asked it at various times. Why does my child have special needs? Often it is me feeling sorry for myself and looking for answers but in that God comes and shows me who he is and what he is doing.

Some special needs are a result of an accident. Mephibosheth was just five years old when he fell and became lame. That accident changed his life. Yet it is a result of that and how David interacted with him years later showing kindness that we can learn lessons about kindness not only to those with special needs but to all around us. Here are four things about kindness that we can learn from how David interacted with Mephibosheth.

We live in a fallen world. This is a world marred by sin. This is not the way that God created the world and the way that he has meant for us. Sometimes I find comfort in remembering that Special Needs are a result of the Fall and this is not the way God designed the world.

So why does my child have special needs?

Because God is sovereign. Don’t say those words and just throw your hands up in the air as if that is what it is. Take that truth as comfort that God knows all and he has planned this for your life and your good. That was the truth that I clung to in the first days of my daughter’s life as we learnt the diagnosis and all that meant. What does it mean to say that God is sovereign? Sovereign means “supreme ruler, especially a monarch.”  (Oxford Dictionary) God is the supreme ruler of the world but even more than that he is the creator and he is good.

To help me during those first days and even now I needed to know that God was in control. I didn’t want a God who was surprised and caught off guard by the diagnosis. Can you say that God is sovereign in the diagnosis of Special Needs in your child?

Because God works all things for his glory. I love Jesus’ response to the disciples in John 9. The disciples meet a blind man and just like us they ask the question, “who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” They were asking, “Why does this man have special needs?” We want to find out who to blame or who is responsible for this. Jesus response was, “that the works of God might be displayed in him.” I have stories and stories of how I have seen God work in my daughter’s life. Can you see how God has worked in your child’s life for his glory?

Because God is working in the lives of others around your child. As you read through the Gospels and see Jesus interactions with those with special needs, you see friends bringing these people to Jesus. The friends of the paralytic had compassion and hope and so they went to all the trouble to remove the roof tiles so that their friend could see Jesus. (Mark 2:3-5) Those around us can learn so much about God and how God wants us to live through Special Needs.

Because God wants us to long for eternity. We easily get living life and begin to think that this is what life is about. We get stuck here on earth but our heart’s longing should be for eternity. Special Needs can be a reminder of our true home, heaven. This can help us long for heaven when God will wipe away every tear. (Revelation 21:4)

I Rejoice Knowing Why my Child has Special Needs

It is not easy. Right now we are moving into areas that are hard – puberty and Special Needs is a whole new area for us. I can rejoice in this knowing that God is sovereign. I can trust that he is working all things for his glory. In all this, I am confident that God is working in the lives of others. I do long for eternity. In all this, I can rejoice.

What about you? Have you asked this same question? I trust that you will be confident of God at work. I trust you can join me in rejoicing knowing why my child has Special Needs.


Maybe you are not the parent of a Special Needs child but you can be encouraging and listening to those who are questioning, “Why does my child have Special Needs?”

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